Tuesday, February 23, 2010

An uneventful week- February 22, 2010

Yeah family! I love you all SO much!

So this week has been pretty much chill chill chill and not much has happened. I still haven´t gotten any packages, even though I have been told that I might have one in the office (at least that's what one of the AP´s said, but he doesn´t remember saying that) but it hasn´t gotten to me yet. Hna Torres said they might be waiting until this Thursday to give out packages since this Thursday is the day we have interviews with the Mission President. This has been a super uneventful week. We knocked a lot of doors, and talked to people but nothing exciting. It has been a really normal week, and the most uneventful one so far. One of our investigators is going to be baptized this Saturday but we´ve known that for the past week, so not really a “this week” event. I got some crazy cat calls this week, but I’m starting to get used to that seeing as the fellas here like to use the little English they know to say things to me like, ´hey sweetheart’ and ´hello, how are you´, that's pretty much all they know how to say. I know, being a white girl here is rare, and they´re all what is this white girl doing here? I’m the only north American girl in my zone, but there are 4 other north American elders here, so at least I have someone I can actually understand and talk to sometimes.

Sorry this letter is so short, but this week has been uneventful. Next time I write I´ll have more to say, seeing as I’m getting transferred next week....as the rumor goes, but it’s a pretty plausible rumor. I´m not sure if we get to write next week or what, but I will write you soonish and I love you lots and lots. I hope all is going super well in the many places that you all are, and I keep you all in my prayers.

Con todo el amor en mi corizon,

From Padre Wells- FYI, We received a letter from the Mission President informing us that Hermana Wells had arrived safely in El Salvador. Since it took so long for the letter to get here, I have realized what a blessing email is.

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