Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mi premero semana aqui en Atlacatl!

¡¡¡My most amazing Family!!!

So my area is aqui (here) in Atlacatl, Layco which is a suburb of San Salvador. It’s a pretty good sized city, about the size of Ypsilanti. We have a few investigators that the other sisters left for us, but they left cryptic messages on how to get to their houses, like approximately the 5th house on the left or the 2nd or 3rd pasaje after the market. It’s hard to find people who have started to hear about the gospel and want to hear more when we don´t have the address. Our apartment is pretty nice for El Sal. We do not have hot water, and the shower doesn´t have a shower head so it’s just a stream of cold water. We live on the fourth floor and the bishop´s house (that's where we go for lunch because his wife makes it for us) is also on the fourth floor of a different building, so we have a lot of stair climbing to do every day. We´ve been knocking doors quite a bit and the district leaders came over one afternoon and knocked with us. Everyone comments on how I don´t talk very much, but what´s a girl to do when she doesn´t understand what the people are talking about.

I have not eaten any armadillo yet, or even heard of the option of doing so, but I try it the first chance I get. Mostly we eat a lot of beans, rice and they LOVE papusas down here. They´re pretty much the food of El Sal. They´re like tortillas that have cheese or beans or meat inside. They´re actually really good. (pupusas recipe)

Nothing much else has happened in our new area. A lot of getting to know the members and finding out where people live and trying to find new investigators. Hey, question. Did you guys ever get the letter that I sent you? I sent one to the other Hna´s in my zone in the MTC and I know that they got theirs because one of them is here now and I got to see her on Wednesday which was nice for the both of us. Just wondering. How are the missionaries in Chili doing? Specifically the ones in Antofagasta because that is where all of the Elders from my district in the MTC went. Wow, that's crazy sauce about the earthquake, but I know that God watches over us no matter what. How are things at home? Has Andra gotten an email like I’ve requested, or at least thought about writing me a letter of any sort, snail mail, email, smoke signal....I miss her!!!! How’s it like in the great state of Washington? I love you all and love hearing from you. I send my love, and maybe someday I’ll send another snail mail letter. Hugs and kisses all around!

Brea....your favorite sister missionary

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