Saturday, February 20, 2010

Life is coolio!- February 8, 2010

Last Monday was coolio. After writing you y´all we went home and the bus rides were loco! Let’s just say that on one of them I had to sit on some random lady´s lap because there weren´t any more seats. Ha-ha, but I sent letters on Thursday, so the fam should get one and Will too, sometime within the next two weeks or so....I’m not sure but let me know when you get them. I sent them out on Thursday. Things had been pretty chill, mostly just appointments where I sit and listen and try to understand and keep myself from day dreaming...but somehow I day dream a lot. Not good, but I’m working on it. On Thursday (Thursdays are our days to plan and meet as a zone, or a district normally) we had a multi zone meeting, so there were a lot of missionaries there and we went to Apopa for the meeting. President and Sister Perez were there and so were the AP´s and they talked to us about a lot of stuff...mostly I didn´t understand but I think I got the jest of what they were trying to say. They went over rules and how we need to not eat crazy food or we´ll get sick. It was fun, I got to talk to some of the other gringos and like everyone they just told me to be patient with the language.

As of Friday Hna Torres has decide that I need to start being the senior comp and learn how to do all the senior comp things in case I get a newbie in a few weeks. I doubt this will happen but she wants me to be prepared for it, meaning we do better at planning so that I know what the lessons will be about and so that I will always have a part in them. Also, she made me do the nightly report one time, which isn´t that bad because the DL speaks quite a bit of English. I also I have to do most of the knocking on doors, and sometimes Hna. Torres will so to the other side of the road and knock, which I don´t like to much only because when people to come to the door (or the window, normally the window) and answer me, I have no clue what they´re saying or how to respond. Maybe that´s something I should work on for language study. This morning as a zone we had a water balloon fight which was pretty cool. We´re going to get zone jersey´s, not really sure why but I’m stoked for them. And for Valentine’s day we´re doing secret friends, meaning we each have someone else in our zone who is our secret friend and we get them something and give it to them next least that’s what I’ve gathered from the Spanish I can understand. Apparently sometime this week the zone is going to take a trip down to the distribution center so that we can buy some garments because apparently they will be on sale, a set for a dollar. That’s kinda exciting. Yes, that is the excitement in my life. Not much else is going on in my life. It consists of appointments, knocking doors and being really confused but it’s all good. I will continue to pray for all of you! I wish things were better at home, but life isn´t perfect. I love you all so very very much!

Love, Brea

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