Saturday, February 20, 2010

Happy Anniversary- February 15, 2010

Hey Mom and Dad, Happy anniversary!

As you can probably see, I have a new email address because myldsmail was updated and sorta merged with Google so my new email is like my old Gmail and I have a new email. That’s why this letter is just to you, because I cannot figure out how to send the same email to more than one person. I´m working on learning how to do that. (chiste, I figured it out! yeah me!) This week has been pretty fun. Last week Monday is when we went to the DS and got some sweet garments. Apparently if you go down a size you don´t need a tall or a petit...or at least that worked for me seeing as they didn´t have my normal size. This week while in my personal study I was reading in Alma 36 and I’m pretty sure it’s my new favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon, for now. It’s all about Alma and when he was destroying the church and then an angel came and struck him down and he repented. It a great chapter on repentance and how easy it can be to repent of our sins and receive the joy that God wants us to have.

Funny thing, so we get our mail on Thursdays because that’s when we have our weekly planning session and district / zone meetings and apparently this Thursday is when they got the dear elders. Well, Melanie had sent me a dear elder my first week at the MTC and accidentally sent it here instead of to the MTC, and guess what! I got it! Yea, I finally got a letter while here, so I got one from Mel and one from Steph. (no I haven´t yet received the package you sent dad, but I’ve heard from one of the APs that I have a package waiting for me in the office, so I think I have to wait until Thursday to get it.)

So Max now has a baptism date, which is super exciting! It’s for the 27th, and that’s our last weekend here, so good thing it’s not latter. I think Hna. Torres and I are getting transferred this next time (I think she has tried to tell me that, but I’m not completely sure.) Our area is crazy crazy small, as in it has two streets, and then the pasajes (I think they´re called that) so we´ve almost tracked the whole area, and have to do street contacts (I do not like street contacting!) So that is exciting news.

Today we had "secret friends"; we were assigned them last week, so we exchanged gifts today. I had an elder, so I got him a pretty cool watch. I got a volleyball and a bar of chocolate from Elder Robinson, he´s the zone leader. Next week we´re getting Jersey´s and they´re sweet looking and are from the University of El Salvador. Hopefully I can figure out a way to email pictures.

Yesterday, at church, I forgot to wear my name badge and it was completely weird. I´m not used to going out in public without it, and Hna. Perez (the mission president´s wife) was there and it was weird. ha-ha, but it made for a crazy fun time trying to hide from people the fact that I didn´t have my plack on. Oh and Sunday was also Hna. Torres´ birthday, so happy birthday to her. WE don´t really do anything crazy, I gave her a card with my Michigan Quarter in it (she´s collecting the US State quarters and thats one she needed)

Saturday we did service with the AP´s. We cleaned the storage area´s in Hna Nidia´s house (the house we live in) They were crazy cluttered because she has a LOT of stuff and that took all morning but it was fun.

Life here is crazy but it’s good when it busy. I love you all so very very much!
Love, Brea

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