Saturday, November 14, 2009

Set apart November 13, 2009

Is it my imagination or are missionaries getting younger every year?
1992- Sister Missionaries with (l to r) Jessica, Melanie, and Breanna. Notice that Breanna has on a missionary name tag.

Breanna Lea Wells was set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints November 13, 2009 to serve in the El Salvador San Salvador East mission. President/Bishop DeVries set her apart. Let me explain his unique title. He was called as stake president in stake conference a couple of weeks ago, but a new bishop has not yet been called. So, he is concurrently serving as both bishop and stake president. President DeVries previously served as the president of the Oakland California mission.

Before President DeVries set her apart, he gave her counsel. She was counselled to be an obedient missionary. Those missionaries who are obedient are more open to the guidance of the spirit. He told her to go the extra mile. He gave an example of how a missionary might walk home at a normal pace and be in the apartment on time, but if the missionary walked quickly, she might be able to make three more contacts. He said that the last contact would be golden.

I (Padre Wells) was honored to be allowed to stand in when she was set apart. The Stake President counselled her to love her companion. Also to love and serve the people.

Madre Wells, Melanie, and Andra were at the setting apart too. We also invited Dan DeVries to the setting apart. Dan will be sending in his mission papers soon and we wanted him to feel the spirit during Sister Wells' setting apart. He will be a great missionary.

Breanna will be a wonderful missionary. She has the spirit of the Lord with her and will love the El Salvadorians. She will be a MISSIONARY. The kind that brings the spirit with her. The kind that teaches with the spirit. The kind of missionary that changes hearts and lives. If the Sons of Mosiah had a sister, she would have been like Breanna.

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