Sunday, November 22, 2009

Quick ways to write to Hermana Breanna

There a couple of internet based ways to write to missionaries and save a little cash as well. One way is First choose the mission. Since Hermana Wells is in the MTC, choose "Provo MTC" from the drop down. Once she is in El Salvador, choose "El Salvador San Salvador East" from the drop down.

Then fill in your return address. Next, choose "Hermana" from the title drop down. The MTC box is 334. The mission code is ELS-SANE and the estimated MTC departure date is 0119. Enter your email address. Then write to your heart's content. One neat aspect of this is that the letter isn't held up by the Postal Service as it transits the country. Hermana Breanna will be reading your letter the same day or next day. As we say in the business PDQ. Another neat aspect is that you'll receive an email copy of your letter. This allows you to keep a copy for yourself or your missionary's scrapbook. A third neat aspect is that they claim that their service is also available in El Salvador. Just choose "El Salvador San Salvador East" from the drop down. I guess we'll see once she's finally in country.

I sent Hermana Wells this quote via Seems appropriate for a missionary. I found it at

Obedience opens the door to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. And the spiritual gifts and abilities activated by the power of the Holy Ghost enable us to avoid deception—and to see, to feel, to know, to understand, and to remember things as they really are. You and I have been endowed with a greater capacity for obedience precisely for these reasons.

Author: David A. Bednar, Source: CES Fireside for Young Adults • May 3, 2009 • Brigham Young University–Idaho

The other free letter service is from This service only delivers letters Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. But it does allow you to attach Word or PDF documents. I sent Brea a picture as a PDF. It's the picture in the first posting. We'll see how it turned out.

Be advised that one cannot send both an attached file and a written message at the same time. I know, I tried, and failed. They require that you click a link in a confirmation email before the letter is released to be sent to the missionary.

Happy writing! Remember that missionaries love receiving letters.

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