Monday, May 3, 2010

First Baptism of May- May 3, 2010

Hno Pablo at his bautismo.
(Disclaimer: This is a picture from a previous baptism, not the baptism Brea reports in this email.)

Hello Everyone,
So this week we had a multizona in Layco, which meant that we had to ride on the buses for two hours to get there. E´Bol told us we had to leave at 5, and then he and the ZL´s didn´t show up until 6 so that was a dirty trick. Oh well, he told the other elders in our district the same thing. We waited at the Torre for an hour, and Hna. Arroy got some sweet pictures of it. It’s really pretty when it’s all lit up. At the multizona I saw Hna. Torres and her new companion. That was kind of weird since she used to be my companion.

We continue to teach a bunch of lessons to a bunch of people who are totally ready to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So this last Friday was Stephanie´s birthday, and I´ve been a total bum about mailing my letters and finding out where the post office is, so here is a little shout out to Steph, I love you lots and I´m sorry I haven´t sent your birthday letter yet. Oops, I´ll get on that soon.

On Saturday we had another baptism. It was the husband of the woman who was baptized last week, so it’s now a complete family! Yippy, and now when their awesome little girl turns eight he´ll have the opportunity to baptize her.

Yesterday President Perez drove down here and had interviews with Hna. Arroy and me and that took a while. Then we went to the appointments we had scheduled and neither person was home, so we started knocking doors and found some cool people to teach. Pretty much that’s my life on a mission. I love you all so much.
Love, Brea

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